Tony, my best friend at school and my earliest writing partner, left a year before I did to study English and drama at Birmingham University, a good move as it transpired. I stayed on an extra year to do scholarship entrance to Cambridge, in vain as it turned out, but that’s a tale for another day.
One weekend, Tony rolled up in his battered old jalopy, flourishing two tickets for a concert. Granted parental permission, I jumped into the passenger seat and we motored off to London down the M1, still something of a novelty in 1966 for country bumpkins like us.
My musical education had been somewhat piecemeal up to this point. My recent forebears had all been musical in their various ways. One grandfather was a silver bandmaster for forty years, the other a village choirmaster for forty years. My parents met in the local amateur operatic society, she in the dancing chorus, he a decent light tenor, well suited to playing the hero’s friend but not actor enough to lead a cast. He had a local triumph as Detlef in Romberg’s The Student Prince. My mother had studied piano to a pretty good standard – her plaster bust of Wagner I still have – and she obliged me to take lessons in my turn.
But we did not own a gramophone until I held out for a Dansette-type record player for my 13th birthday, putting pressure on my Dad by starting to buy singles in anticipation, even without the wherewithal yet to play them. As I grew more serious in the Vth and VIth forms, I started to read reviews of new classical releases and to supplement my pop stuff, soundtracks and show albums with haphazardly chosen grown-up music, everything from Bach to Pfitzner, from Mendelssohn to Mimaroglu.

Gustav Mahler
There was also a school record library, a motley of purchases, donations and swag. This collection exactly reflected the serendipitous nature of my own growing collection of LPs, save that some of them were so old that they were 10-inchers and even 78s. I borrowed indiscriminately and, having set up my reel-to-reel tape recorder to copy from my record player, I soon had half the school’s haul on audio tape.
The composer whose work we were to hear in London was not represented in the school collection. He was Gustav Mahler. Both Tony and I had liked what we had read about this late romantic but had still not heard a note of his work. Mahler had become fashionable over recent years, rediscovered thanks as much as anyone to the American conductor-composer Leonard Bernstein, whose own music was greatly under Mahler’s influence. Bernstein had recorded several of Mahler’s massive symphonies in the States and Europe and now he was coming to London to record the 8th symphony after giving it in concert at the Albert Hall.
Lenny Bernstein was also a persuasive advocate. He was a gifted teacher and talker and, in an era when “mass communication” was the only way to go, he made for terrific television, whether talking or conducting. I had a recording by him of Beethoven’s Eroica Symphony that had a bonus EP of a talk on the work by Lenny. Not many people could get away with a phrase like “Beethoven the gigantic one” and still not seem a fraud. In a Sunday Times review that I vividly recall of another Mahler concert, Desmond Shawe-Taylor remarked that “Bernstein concluded with a left and a right that had Mahler sprawling against the ropes”. That sounded just the kind of conducting that got me going.

Otto Böhler's famous silhouettes of Mahler in action
The 8th, a grand choral work, was known as “the Symphony of a Thousand” because of the massive forces involved. The Albert Hall gig was to be populated by the London Symphony Orchestra at full stretch, the London Symphony Chorus, the Leeds Festival Chorus, the Orpington Junior Singers, the Highgate School Boys’ Choir and eight soloists. We knew we were in for a show but we couldn’t guess quite what a show. From the electrifying crash of the opening, a thunderous octave leap on the giant Albert Hall organ, immediately followed by the roaring invocation of the massed voices – “Veni, veni, creator spiritus!” [“Come, creator, holy spirit!”] – we were, as comparably impressed teenagers would say now, blown away.
The whole first section of the work, lasting around 25 minutes, is a switchback ride of emotion, power, retreat and renewal, packed with exquisite melody and daring orchestration. The second part, a realisation of the climactic scene of Goethe’s play Faust, is more than twice as long and rather more measured and discursive before returning at the end to the tumult of the earliest bars. By that end, we were mentally, physically and psychologically shredded. It was the most enthralling experience, not least because of the dynamism of Bernstein’s conducting.

Lenny gives it his all
Afterwards, we slept in Tony’s car parked in the Kensington side-street where, the previous year, Winston Churchill’s life had drawn to its close. Next morning, we breakfasted in the café of a nearby hotel. We were served by a very chirpy waitress with whom, by curious coincidence, I enjoyed an affair a decade later (oh yes, I cruised both sides of the street in those days. I always cherish Gore Vidal’s famous answer to the question “was your first sexual experience homosexual or heterosexual?” – “I was too polite to ask”).
Naturally, when the double album of Bernstein’s version of Mahler’s 8th was released the following year, I rushed out to buy it. I still have it but it is so worn down by constant playing as to be unbearable. My CD replacement is a rather embarrassing item from a series called ‘The Royal Edition’, all works conducted by Lenny but decked out with watercolours by the Prince of Wales who, you can bet, has not listened to the Mahler as often as I have. But the piece has had an important function in my life. If ever I felt sad or defeated or confused or in any other way negative, all I needed to do was to lie on the floor and play Part I of the 8th, very loudly and preferably in darkness. After that, everything seemed possible.
Over the years I got to know and love all of Mahler’s music. Though the individual pieces are all large-scale, it’s as assimilable a body of work as Jane Austen’s, as opposed to the sprawling canon, across several genres of, say, Haydn or Bernard Shaw. Mahler was, after all, only ever a part-time composer, making his living as a conductor, primarily of opera. He was born in July 1860 so, next month, we mark his 150th anniversary. Next May will be the centenary of his death; he lived only four years longer than Schumann whom we think of conventionally as having “died young”.

The musical prodigy at 5 or 6
It is evident that Mahler was, with Keats, “half in love with easeful death”. Mortal terror stalks his music. Seven of his eleven siblings died in childhood, including his closest brother. One of his two beloved daughters also died in childhood, giving a retrospective poignancy to his most agonised song cycle, Kindertotenlieder (I am listening to it as I write in the rapturous rendition by Kathleen Ferrier with the Vienna Philharmonic conducted by Bruno Walter). Soon after Maria’s death, Mahler learned that his own heart was defective and that his prospects were not good. He was working on the 8th symphony at this time. Always superstitious, Mahler deferred writing a further symphony because of the notion that nine was the most a composer could complete – Beethoven, Spohr, Schubert, Dvorak and Bruckner had all died without completing a tenth. Instead he wrote Das Lied von der Erde, which has an unmistakeably symphonic structure. After that, he dared to write a huge and magnificent 9th symphony before, inevitably, leaving an unfinished 10th (it has been superbly realised in performable form by Deryck Cooke and, subsequently, in several other versions).

Mahler in his late 20s
That Mahler was driven and a mass of contradictions is both clear and not to be wondered at. A Bohemian Jew, he converted to Catholicism in order to carve himself a highly influential role in the life of a city devoted to music, Vienna. The extent of anti-Semitism in late 19th century Vienna can only be imagined. Like the cliché of an opera conductor – perhaps he inspired the cliché – Mahler was autocratic, perfectionist and relentless. He made many enemies. His tenure at the Vienna Opera, like all his conducting posts, was wracked by quarrels, resentments, resignations and outrageous ferocities both suffered and inflicted. He would flee to a succession of summer retreats to compose, but his symphonies and song cycles received mixed responses. His greatest triumph, the last of his lifetime, was the world premiere of the 8th in Munich on September 12th 1910. The composer was denied the savour of its reception, however, for he discovered on the eve of its performance that his adored wife Alma was faithless with the architect Walter Gropius. Despite this blow, Mahler dedicated the symphony to Alma.

Alma Mahler
Mahler’s music resounds with the sounds and flavours of the world around him. The quality of gemütlichkeit, so beloved of the indulgent Viennese, thrives alongside the doom and despair. Band music of all kinds – from military marches through town band tunefulness and funeral dirges to oompah corniness – passes through the sound picture. The music of the Viennese café and salon, of street players and folk singers, of the church choir and the klezmorim rub shoulders with the particular writing for projected voice that Mahler studied so closely for his work in the opera house. Forerunning geniuses – Bruckner (his teacher), Beethoven, Schubert and Wagner – inform his taste and his decisions, as do his extensive readings in philosophy and theosophy. Had he lived, I have no doubt that jazz and the new forms pioneered within a very few years of his death by the likes of Stravinsky and, in Vienna itself, Schönberg would have contributed to his joyous eclecticism and perhaps indeed he would have made the obvious move into writing for the opera house, though it is hard to see any librettist surviving such a collaboration. More than any other ingredient, the summer sounds of nature that surrounded him while he wrote in the Austrian countryside fed into his aesthetic.

Contemporary caricature of Mahler's aesthetic
It’s a rich and dense fabric that he weaves. Mahler isn’t for everyone and certainly not for those who take a more ascetic view of art. At the time of the ‘60s revival, I remember Kingsley Amis remarking that he couldn’t bear Mahler’s stuff. Given Amis’s own politics, character and world view, I felt comfortably in the correct camp (and anyway, isn’t Lucky Jim one of the most overrated of novels?). Mahler appealed to me at that time because I had a young man’s passion for artists who created teeming worlds. I remember a Sunday newspaper headline over a piece about James Joyce’s writing: “Here comes everybody”. That was what I loved in Joyce and Günter Grass and Lawrence Sterne and Dickens and later in Gabriel Garcia Márquez and Lawrence Norfolk; and what Mahler’s crowded canvases also seemed to offer.
In the fifty years before that Bernstein-led revival, Mahler’s reputation had dwindled while the Baroque was rediscovered and the classical composers took their place at the centre of the repertoire. A few conductors kept his name known on the continent – Willem Mengelberg, Hermann Scherchen, Karel Ancerl, Dimitri Mitropoulos, Jascha Horenstein – and in Britain – Adrian Boult and John Barbirolli, than whom no two conductors could be more different in style and approach. But none did more to fan the flame than Bruno Walter who worked as Mahler’s assistant at the Vienna Opera and who was perhaps unique in refusing to hear a word said against the maestro. After Mahler’s death, Walter conducted the world premieres of both Das Lied von der Erde and the 9th symphony at Alma’s invitation and, a quarter of a century later, made the first recordings of both works. A later recording of Das Lied with Kathleen Ferrier and Julius Patzak is among the finest recordings of great music ever made. Walter, whose long life ended in 1962, once said that the two greatest musicians he had ever known were Mahler and Ferrier and that perhaps Ferrier – that hugely loved English contralto who died so tragically young – was the greatest of all.

Bruno Walter
In recent years, Mahler recording has become a vital industry. No conductor worth his or her salt foregoes the opportunity to record not just a favourite from among these symphonies that were once thought too demanding and exhausting to attempt, but the whole canon. Since Luchino Visconti drew on it so extensively for the soundtrack of his movie Death in Venice of 1971, the Adagietto of the 5th symphony has turned into Mahler’s “lollipop”, an extractable sweetmeat for busy people to swoon at momentarily. But the movement has from the get-go been teased out as a crowd pleaser. Sir Henry Wood introduced it into a Prom concert as long ago as 1909 and Lenny Bernstein extracted it for the memorial mass given in New York for Senator Robert Kennedy.
What Mahler himself and the scornful Viennese haute bourgeoisie would have made of it all is anyone’s guess. Secure in the Pantheon, his last laugh would at least have been heard by the famously scandalous Alma, who married and divorced Gropius and who outlived even Bruno Walter by two years. For his part, the erudite composer would have read his Hippocrates and so would have known that ars longa, vita brevis.

The maestro on the podium
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June 20, 2008We arrived in Hong Kong from Dubai late last night, and wake up to stunning views [url=]coach outlet factory online[/url] of Victoria Harbour. The first stop of the day is Pacific Place to see Lane Crawford, i.T, and Joyce. Then we jump on a double-decker tram and head toward a neighborhood known as SOHO (South of Hollywood). Despite the scorching hot (a recurring theme on this trip), we visit antique stores on Hollywood Road and take in the local life and trendy stores on Stanton and Elgin streets. We follow that with a taxi ride up to Victoria Peak, which has breathtaking views of Hong Kong and the surrounding [url=]cheap coach outlet[/url] area.June 21, 2008We start the day with a short ferry ride across Victoria Harbour to Kowloon, where we head for the Hong Kong Museum of Art and its collection of porcelain and ceramics. Then it’s back on the ferry for the return trip to Hong Kong, where we stumble upon some cool stores around Paterson and Cleveland streets. Next is Hong Kong’s “best dim sum”—Maxim’s Palace at City Hall. Quick decision-making is key here. [url=]coach outlet store[/url] We take a taxi back to SOHO for the Man Mo temple (above), then more antique shops on Hollywood Road before winding up the day with dinner at the Mandarin Grill & Bar. Next stop: Seoul.
antiquing with yigal azrouel style file
I really enjoy creating the atmosphere for my boutiques, so I went up to the antique fair in Brimfield, Massachusetts, right before opening the new shop in Water Mill to [url=]coach outlet[/url] pick out some great furniture and knickknacks. My favorite piece is an old athletic locker that feels really [url=]cheap coach outlet[/url] worn in. I especially like the number tags on it. It’s actually from the pre-welding era, and little facts like that are what make these finds interesting. I like that [url=]coach outlet store[/url] there’s a story and history to every piece I found, which goes with my own design aesthetic.—Yigal AzrouelPhoto: Courtesy of Yigal Azrouel
Anna Sui Rocks On style file
What was the impetus for Anna Sui’s career? “I wanted to dress rock stars and people who [url=]coach outlet factory online[/url] go to rock concerts,” said the designer at last night’s Friends of the Costume Institute event, which drew the likes of Baby Jane Holzer, Stephen Burrows, and artist and [url=]coach factory outlet[/url] longtime Sui collaborator Hiroshi Tanabe. Sui, who will receive the CFDA’s Lifetime Achievement Award this June, shared amusing anecdotes about how she achieved her dream. Dave Navarro, for one, walked for the designer after meeting her on an [url=]coach factory outlet[/url] elevator, and Stevie Nicks invited Sui to come backstage at a concert after she had dissed Fleetwood Mac in print. Musicians aren’t the only ones drawn to Sui’s colorful, evocative clothing: Her entertaining, accessory-laden shows always feature stellar castings. How does she manage it? “I was in a unique position. I knew a lot of the girls socially and it’s no secret that one of my best friends is Steven Meisel,” she said.—Laird Borrelli-PerssonPhoto: Anna Sui, Spring 1994 by Raoul Gatchalian / Courtesy of Anna Sui
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At the last minute, Wakako Kishimoto and Mark Eley, the husband-and-wife team who are the new designers at Cacharel, decided to spice up their presentation at the label’s Rue Bonaparte shop [url=]cheap coach outlet[/url] yesterday by putting animal and superhero masks on all the mannequins. Though, as Eley admitted, the face coverings “bore absolutely no relation to the clothes [url=]coach outlet factory online[/url] themselves [url=]coach factory outlet[/url] whatsoever, other than to give each look an identity,” it proved to be a rather winning move with passersby. By the time the event was in full swing, a large crowd had gathered outside, leading one elegant older woman to observe, “Les français aiment les jolies mises en scène de vitrines.” Which, roughly translated, means the French like to watch.—Gudrun Willcocks
Are You Ready For The Return Of The [url=]cheap coach outlet[/url] Novelty Sweater? style file
Designers’ fascination with the eighties is taking many forms, some obvious, others less so. The Krizia animal sweater may be a rare breed that’s unfamiliar to all but the most devoted collector, but it’s a look that resonated for [url=]coach factory outlet[/url] Fall. For more than 20 years, Mariuccia Mandelli selected a different critter to feature in her collection; in 1981, it was a cat. This season, wild [url=]coach outlet[/url] ones roared their way down the runways at Eley Kishimoto and Jean-Charles de Castelbajac, while domesticated felines purred at Paul & Joe and Zero + Maria Cornejo. Even Miuccia Prada got into the act at Miu Miu, where the graphic pattern of a dress evoked tiger skin. Click for a slideshow, then let us know if you’ll be adopting the trend.—Laird Borrelli-PerssonPhoto: Marcio Madeira
apartamento's home pages style file
Finally, a magazine that understands that just because you have an ever growing pile of work papers scattered across your living room, it doesn’t mean you’re not interested in [url=]coach outlet store online[/url] what your personal space looks like. Introducing Apartamento, a [url=]cheap coach outlet[/url] biannual publication spotlighting design and interiors via intimate snapshots of office and living spaces. Founding editors Nacho Alegre and Omar Sosa sought out a cast of creatives to profile in [url=]cheap coach outlet[/url] the debut issue (including director Mike Mills and CSS band member Luiza Sá), none of whom turned down the request to be photographed. Here’s hoping issue number two, which will debut in the fall, will be met with the same open-mindedness.—Linlee Allenclass="creditphoto">Photo: Courtesy of Apartamento
Argentina : Argentinean President unveils low cost ‘NYP’ clothing
Argentinean President unveils low cost ‘NYP’ clothingMay 29, 2013(Argentina)courtesy: Politica y ModaArgentinean President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner has formally launched the clothing line NYP (Nacional y Popular or Popular National) [url=]coach factory outlet[/url] with each clothing item costing less than 100 pesos.The newly launched NYP clothing line includes jeans worth 82.5 pesos (US$ 15.73), shirts of 90 pesos (US$ 17.16), pants at [url=]coach outlet factory online[/url] 91 pesos (US$ 17.35) and t-shirts worth 38-39 pesos (US$ 7.25-7.44).Around 30 Argentina-based apparel companies supplied the menswear clothing for the NYP line.The initiative started with an aim to involve the entire textile chain in Argentina.Through this clothing line, the Argentinean Government plans [url=]coach outlet[/url] to promote local designers and apparel manufacturers.The NYP initiative is a result of an agreement signed between the Argentinean Domestic Commerce Secretary, Guillermo Moreno, and a group of textile entrepreneurs of Argentina.Fibre2fashion News Desk - IndiaMore Apparel/GarmentsNews
Argentina : Argentinean President unveils low cost ‘NYP’ clothing
Argentinean President unveils low cost ‘NYP’ clothingMay 29, 2013(Argentina)courtesy: Politica y ModaArgentinean President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner has formally launched the clothing line NYP (Nacional y Popular or Popular National) [url=]cheap coach outlet[/url] with each clothing item costing less than 100 pesos.The newly launched NYP clothing line includes jeans worth 82.5 pesos (US$ 15.73), shirts of 90 pesos (US$ 17.16), pants at [url=]coach outlet store[/url] 91 pesos (US$ 17.35) and t-shirts worth 38-39 pesos (US$ 7.25-7.44).Around 30 Argentina-based apparel companies supplied the menswear clothing for the NYP line.The initiative started with an aim to involve the entire textile chain in Argentina.Through this clothing line, the Argentinean Government plans [url=]coach outlet factory online[/url] to promote local designers and apparel manufacturers.The NYP initiative is a result of an agreement signed between the Argentinean Domestic Commerce Secretary, Guillermo Moreno, and a group of textile entrepreneurs of Argentina.Fibre2fashion News Desk - IndiaMore Apparel/GarmentsNews - Argentina...
And The Winners Are…Pants And Hats style file
Alexander Wang, Vena Cava, and Albertus Swanepoel nabbed the three prizes last night at the CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund Awards, but the evening also featured a couple of prevalent looks, which we’d like to think of as winners in their own right. The first is the pant—particularly one that’s carrot-shaped and cropped—a trend [url=]coach factory outlet[/url] which reached critical mass at the Spring collections in various forms. The covered-leg crew included Juliette Lewis in a [url=]cheap coach outlet[/url] sequined Phillip Lim jumpsuit, Chanel Iman in Daughters gray flannel, Agyness Deyn in a boyish tux, Liya Kebede in Proenza Schouler, Jessica Joffe in Helmut Lang, and Thelma Golden and Rachel [url=]coach factory outlet[/url] Roy. With Swanepoel as a clearly worthy contender, it’s logical that millinery would also make a strong showing. Of course there was the designer’s own date, Coco Rocha, but joining her were Julie Gilhart in a jaunty mini top hat by Eugenia Kim, John Galliano in a daisy-strewn top hat, Deyn in a flattened boater from Marc Jacobs’ Spring show, and André Leon Talley in what looks like a very stylish evening hunting cap. Honorable mention goes to the one-shoulder dress, seen on Vogue‘s Meredith Melling Burke (in Peter Som) and Virginia Smith, and’s Candy Pratts Price, in Givenchy.—Meenal Mistry Photo: Billy Farrell/
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Angelina Jolie locks up her nomination for mother of the year by buying knives for Maddox, just like her mom used to do for her. So sweet!Are Victoria and David Beckham the latest celebs to be hoodwinked by their staff? If you [url=]coach outlet[/url] just bought several hundred unused copies of Victoria’s memoir on eBay, then the answer is [url=]coach outlet store[/url] yes. Kate Moss and Jamie Hince are “officially” back together, whatever that means.—Alison BaenenPhoto: James Devaney/WireImage
Anya Hindmarch Wants To Make You Sweat style file
Fashion events usually involve caloric intake whether via Champagne or tiny yet deadly versions of comfort food. But it was quite the opposite last night at Anya Hindmarch’s Meatpacking District studio, where a small but brave and be-legginged group, including Poppy Delevingne and [url=]coach factory outlet[/url] Gossip Girl Nicole Fiscella—all wearing the cute racer-back tank pictured here—gathered for Anya’s Gym Class. It’s the stateside extension of the weekly Pilates classes that the accessories designer offers her London staff as a life-balancing perk. The session was led by trainer Lacey Stone, who teaches at Equinox and also offers an intensive four-week Booty Camp. The highly motivational Stone is like the gym teacher who might have had you not forging doctor’s notes, enthusiastically doling out high-fives while turning your legs into petrified wood through jumping squats, shuffle sprints, and other means of torture, er, exercise. All survived and, dare I say, had fun. The deceptively delicate-looking Fiscella impressively won the push-up challenge, with [url=]coach [url=]coach outlet website[/url] outlet[/url] 20 real push-ups and 25 girly ones. Afterward, the glistening and glowing group sat down with Nu-Train founder Heather Bauer and her team, who offered advice on what to eat at some of your favorite restaurants. At the Waverly Inn that included whole steamed artichoke and salmon fillet, both without butter. Hmm…perhaps it’s worth trading a session with Stone for the macaroni.—Meenal MistryPhoto: Corrie Vierregger
and we don't get helmets style file
Score one for the fashion world: We got New York Ranger Sean Avery, who spent most of last [url=]coach outlet[/url] night’s Calvin Klein dinner with his snazzily dressed teammates Brendan Shanahan and Colton Orr, to agree that this industry is as tough as pro sports. Sort of, anyway. “It takes a lot [url=]coach outlet store[/url] out of you—how many weeks you got of this per year? Two? Four?” he asked. We told him about the biannual four-city tour of women’s shows, plus [url=]coach outlet[/url] the two rounds of men’s shows and couture. “Well, I get hit in the face—but what these guys do can get rough, too.” You don’t know the half of it, Sean.class="byline">—Derek BlasbergPhoto:Billy Farrell/
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